Rise Of Nations
Rise of Nations employs the concept of "territory," as employed in the Civilizations long series of games; the area near the player's settlements is considered their
territory, and players may only construct buildings within their territory or that of an ally. A nation's borders can be expanded by the creation and expansion of cities
and forts, a technology tree, and obtaining access to certain rare resources. Other technologies and resources cause enemy units to suffer attrition over time, which can eventually destroy an unsupported invasion force.
Cities are centrally important to gameplay; most buildings can only be bui
lt within a certain distance of a city, borders are most easily expanded by building and expanding cities, and cities are the only source of the resource-collecting Citizen unit. Only a limited number of cities can be built, and a city can only be destroyed by its owner. Conquered cities join the conqueror's faction.
Citizens (resource-collecting workers) in Rise of Nations do not remain idle after creation until orders are given to them; rather, after a brief pause, idle citizens look for any nearby const
ruction sites, unoccupied resource gathering sites, or damaged buildin
gs and automatically move to build, gather, or r
epair there. This option can be disabled if desired. All resource patches in Rise of Nations are infinite, unlike the finite amount of resources found in, for example, Warcraft single-player campaigns; the main limit is the player's maximum-collection-rate cap, which must be upgraded via research.
Rise Of Nations : Thrones And Patriots
Within Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots players co
ntrol various units during battles, including land, sea, and aerial units. Units used during g
ameplay include slingers, musketeers, tanks, large Persian war elephants, aircraft carriers, and nuclear missiles. Players progress in different ways in Thrones and Patriots by using various means inc
luding espionage, political strategy, technology races and population growth. The gameplay takes place from ancient history to mordern times. Players are able to lead their nations at the macro and micro levels, and build their nation up and expand it throughout the game.
Thrones and Patriots added six new nations to the original Rise of Nations of game. The 'New World' situation playable in the game was enhanced by the introduction of
the European nation—of the Dutch. Three North American nations were added, the Americans, referring to the ex-colonial civilization, and two Native American nations were added, which were the Lakota and the Iroquois. Two Asian nations: the Indians, and the Persians were introduced. New Wonders were made available for building, such as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Forbidden City, and the Red Fort.
New features of the game were added to the new nations,
for instance the Lakota, which is unable to build farms to generate food, instead receive a constant food supply for each of their citizens, scouts, and cavalry units. They can make buildings in any region that is not possessed by their enemy, can raze buildings quickly, receiving a full refund. Additionally, they receive resources when enemy resources are destroyed.
Both Rise Of Nations + Thrones And Patriots HERE